Something so universally relevant, simple and beneficial; yet we dont give it a try. Forgiveness, is very effective and beneficial, not to the person who offends you, rather beneficial to yourself. If you continually seethe with anger or maintain negativity about someone, invariably you end up clouding your mind with negativity. Almost always the time and energy spent in that negative loop amounts to nothing productive.
You can do yourself a favor by forgiving the person. This is more out of a selfish intention than an altruistic one. You realise when you do so, you can live better, think better, be happier and accomplish a lot by being positive.
If one thinks, 'what happens of my relationship with the offender?' well there is no relationship anymore. He or She is just one more person in the crowd for you. If the person forgiven is worth the gesture, you will in time realise it was a wise decision to forgive. If the offender has even half a brain, he or she will realise you have taken the high road and will probably reciprocate positively or else be netural. There is no negative outcome.
Trying it out is very easy, and you will start to realize its benefits immediately. Otherwise you can always revery back to the default setting we had from our cave dwelling times.