I tried to slap her, a proper one aimed at the right cheek. She grabbed my right arm, twisted it deftly and flicked me on the ground. I anticipated this and rolled perfectly, regained balance and tried a right handed punch this time. This time she ducked, slid to my right side and threw me down. I was very much pinned and am sure IF I wanted to actually assault this lady I didn’t stand a chance.
Obviously this is deviant behavior. I would never harm a lady nor am training to do so; this was in a kick boxing class and my trainer was demonstrating a few techniques with me role playing as the attacker. With the new batch started, I had previously attended a month long course, hence was the ‘senior’ student and most eligible to be demonstrated upon. But no complaint as being part of the demonstration is the best learning in my opinion.
My first experience with Kick Boxing was amazing, within a month of training I felt like never before. I was in the best shape ever, I could resist sickness, I could endure a lot of pain, I looked good and I definitely felt beyond awesome. The journey indeed was difficult with the rigorous training and pain that came along with it, but the result was worth it. I had trained with the best instructors in the country and with a highly motivated group at various levels of proficiency. Unfortunately the demands of my job prevented me to continue the class as the travel and recuperation involved cut down my work hours drastically.
A centre opened near my house and I was super excited. Initially the class was for women only and I couldn’t get in and obviously they couldn’t make any exception without a sex change operation (kid you not that’s the conversation) later they relented and let the guys join in, I feel they needed attackers :D
So again the journey starts with Coach Sindhu who will reassure you that women can kick ass. People who feel they would start punching and kicking and become Bruce Lee over the weekend would be severely disappointed. The first two months are all about body conditioning and basics. Almost every class you end up tired and sore and hurting. Cliché’ alert – no pain no gain. A lot of work would be involved to get into a decently capable physique, stamina, endurance and flexibility; something gymming out would simply not provide even if you do it right and who wouldn’t want that. Right now I think I am still to achieve that level which would be half the war won for me.
More on this as I progress further
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