Pulp Fiction - 1994
Fact can be stranger than fiction – this movie goes against the trend. My favorite from Quentin Tarantino’s works (which includes Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs, Desperado), this movie carves its cult. Quentin weaves magic again through the medium of a Movie. He builds the various chemistries between characters with long drawn scenes, extracting a 100% of their ability to emote and deliver lines which are truly Tarantino’s trademark. I hope I can meet this guy.
This film is absolutely revolting to the normal Hollywood RomCom – Jackie Chan types. Watching it with your family is the worst thing you can subject them to. I have seen it thrice and I wish to see it again. On a repeatability scale, it ranks high up with The Departed. The dialogues are brilliant, expletives and all of which there are tons in this film. The best concept of the film is the shifted time lines. It leaves you guessing and wandering in different directions and following characters, some of which will become your favorites. My favorite was Vincent Vega. Travolta burns a solid impression of Vega. You feel sorry for the guy who has to take out the Boss’s wife for a date – its not a date according to him cause if it were then the Boss will….see it yourself.
Every cast member is a perfect fit for the characters – Samuel L Jackson, Bruce ;Willis, Uma Thurman, Harvey Keitel, Quentin with his expected cameo in all his films all are just perfect. Can’t think of anyone else playing anything. I am in love with the character of Fabienne.
See it, see it full. See it even if at some scene your reaction can be nausea or pure horror or disgust or anything that Tarantino might evoke – and he will evoke. Just keep your family out of the room.
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